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We're starting a new men’s group centered around the power of community and fellowship. Join us for coffee, prayer, encouragement, and support. Our aim is to provide a safe place where men can freely share their struggles, joys, and concerns without worrying about judgment. The group will meet on Saturdays from 7:00 to 8:30 a.m. The first meeting date has not been decided yet. Keep an eye out for further information. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Brian Grey or Pastor Brian.

Please remember to keep us informed of any changes to your contact information, including address, phone number or email. Please email the church office at with any updates. Your cooperation helps us maintain accurate records for effective communication, ensuring you stay in the loop with all that's happening here at church.

Join us for a fun Ladies' Day Out! Come relax with friends on Sunday, April 21st, between 1:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. at Paddlefish Brewery in St. Peter. Both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks will be available for purchase, and food can be delivered. Everyone is welcome! If you have any questions, feel free to contact Kate Meyer.

Every month, on the first Sunday, you can talk with a River of LIFE board member. They will be available 30 minutes before and after the service. This is your opportunity to ask questions, get updates on previous meetings, and share any concerns you may have. You can also learn about and discuss any future plans. Just head to the table in the narthex, and someone will be there to talk with you.

We would like to sponsor an American Red Cross blood drive at our location, but we need to make sure we have enough people willing to donate blood before we can commit. A signup interest form is on a clipboard at the back of the church. Please sign up if you are interested in participating in our Red Cross blood drive.