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Like every year we will be serving FREE meals during VBS. We are asking for donations of food items to help us prepare the meals. A link to the online signup can be found on the homepage of our website in the helpful links section. We also have a paper signup sheet which can be found on a clipboard in the narthex. Food items need to be returned to church by Sunday, July 30th!  See Valerie Christenson if you have any questions.  CLICK HERE for signup.

Tracy will be out of the office from July 23 – Aug 3 and will not be returning any church related texts or emails during this time. If you are unable to fulfill your volunteer duties, do your best to find a substitute. If you are unable to find anyone to cover for you, contact Pastor and things will get worked out on Sunday.

There will be a meeting on Wednesday, July 26th for anyone that is helping with VBS. The meeting will start at 7:00pm, crew leaders do not need to be there until 7:30pm. If you have any questions, contact Dawn Eberhart. 507-327-3783

There will be a congregation meeting immediately after the worship service on Sunday, August 13. We will discuss the recent church survey and go over plans for the Sunday School and the worship service times starting this fall.

There is an online signup available. The link can be found on our church website. We are asking for you to consider signing up for one or more shifts. There will be a time slot for one adult and one youth per shift. This allows the opportunity for a family to fill the entire shift or for generational bonding to occur. Also, please note, there will most likely be room for more than two people to work in the booth, but the signup is just the minimum number of people we are shooting for.  CLICK HERE for signup.

The Wednesday night bible study meets at 7:00pm. The summer focus is service and prayer. We will begin with a brief Biblical topic/lesson each week followed by an act of service/fellowship and prayers. We will start with items such as prep for youth room, VBS, fair and any other needs that may arise. We will not meet Aug 30th. Come for 60-90 minutes and let your light shine! If you would like to receive notifications regarding the Wed night group, contact Shelly at 507-381-1830.